Our metropolitan region employs a full array of flexible technology and services to maximize safety and access to mobility choices connecting people of all ages, incomes and abilities to jobs, recreation, healthcare, amenities and other daily activities, enhancing and protecting our quality of life now and in the future.
The metropolitan agencies will collaborate, in partnership with community, nonprofit, and private sector leaders, to carefully consider a range of effective and efficient solutions to the challenges and opportunities presented by emerging mobility technologies.
We will provide recommendations to encourage the most effective technologies and approaches, maximizing mobility to meet our long-term goals of enhanced quality of life and increased economic vitality across the metropolitan region.
The way we travel in the Denver metro area is rapidly changing.
Advanced technology and internet connectivity are providing new options every day. To maintain the economic competitiveness and livability of our communities, we must identify and anticipate how technological advances like driverless vehicles, mobility apps and streamlined fare payment could dramatically change our transportation systems.
The region’s major multi-modal agencies have agreed to develop a Mobility Choice Blueprint — a coordinated strategy for how we enable more accessible and effective transportation mobility choices to enhance the quality of our social, cultural, and economic life now and in the future.
SAFETYConnected, autonomous, shared and electric mobility operate safely.
SUSTAINABLE MOBILITYEmerging technology transportation options sustain the system long-term.
FUNDING AND FINANCENew funding and financing of mobility systems improves equity and use of public resources.
HUMAN EXPERIENCEMobility systems improve community livability and quality of life.
INFRASTRUCTURENew mobility systems integrate with existing and future infrastructure. New mobility system cost no more than anticipated.
GOVERNANCERegional transportation agencies, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations develop policies, programs, and pilot projects to deliver a preferred mobility future for the metropolitan region and other areas statewide.
DATASource and uses of data that enable, monitor, manage and modify mobility systems are protected, shared and preserved across all modes of travel and throughout all parts of the region and state.
SYSTEM EFFICIENCYTechnology integration improves reliability, lowers costs and reduces travel times.